The attributes used to judge whether a state is considered a Hegemon vary. For our purpose’s we will look at three.
1. The capability to enforce the system rules;
2. Possess the Will to do so;
3. An unshaken commitment to the system which is mutually beneficial to the major players, or is at least perceived that way.
In the past it was once believed that a state is “capable” of becoming a hegemon, required
1. A large and or growing economy. (Influence over trade and monetary policy abroad)
2. Proven dominance in technological or economic sectors.
3. Political will power back up by real military superiority.
Now that we have a basic idea of what a Hegemon is, we need to grasp the implications of what would happen if one hegemonic power overtakes and replaces another. (Generally very bad for the losing side)
Myth: The United States of America is the global hegemon.
As someone who lives within the continental United States, I can confirm this myth is wildly accepted as fact. Not just by the far right “nationalists” but by the majority of everyday people. The question of IF the United States WAS once a hegemon is beyond debate. What’s interesting about the majority is kind of paradoxical.
They don’t actually still believe America is superior nor was it ever great and in most cases use this chance to lay blame and say “America leads the free world, so it should blah blah...”
Well, what if American only believes it’s leading the free world, but in reality has been pushed aside? What symptoms should appear?
Now, I’m not trying to say that the United States IS or ISNT the global Hegemon anymore. What I’m trying to bring the attention of everyone reading this, is that it is the Perceived notion that the USA is the dominant influence; causing so much chaos. I personally believe it is this false “unspoken” belief that America is leading the free world. That caused so many people to feel that America is declining.
Catch my next post: “Could American-exceptionalism be the reason Trump won?”
Stop fear mongering