January 05, 2017

How to get past the point of motivation

How to come out ahead without needing constant motivation

If only the drug companies could cook up a "motivation reup inhibitor" that would be cool. However, most people find that motivation is a fleeting endevor, quick to fire us up and just as quickly to abandon us at first sight of obstacles. 

I took a screenshot of a user's comment on Reddit, u/whatamidoing11 that really stuck with me. This individual shifted their paradigm with this simple idea. Instead of generating feelings of "pride" from consuming. We should instead create.  "Oh that's so simple, it's actually dumb" some of you might say.

But first..
How to get past the point of motivation

from discussion SOURCE.

u/whatamidoing11 (2016). My GF and I have a combined income of over $100k annual, and we live paycheck to paycheck. What is step 1 to not living this way? Retrieved from: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/4q51d5/my_gf_and_i_have_a_combined_income_of_over_100k/d4qsecj/

1 comment:

  1. In Russia you don't spend money, money spend you. Therefore, this comment makes sense.


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