January 19, 2013

IBM has feelings, and smell too!

IBM is Creating

 smarter planet through research... Imagine having your sense of smell, taste, feeling, sight and hearing! Involved and stimulated while on the web or phone!

Smell Taste Hear See Feel the internet, social media, television and even education!

gizmag first showed me this... IBM is planning on letting you feel cloth textures on your phone, Detect sickness by smelling your breath?  Even detect melanoma by understanding what it looks like, even be able to hear a mud slide or possible flooding. Chemically understand what we taste and how, then recreate it.

Continue to learn...  we mean read!

     When first we saw the page our interest was peaked, but for some reason it wasn't enough to get me to read it.. Until I saw the video clips and how IBM explains they think in the next 5 years our world will change.
     Each of us has 5 senses and until now we could only see content online and hear it. What if you could also start to feel it or imagine tasting and smelling a menu item before you bought it online?  I for one cant wait until i can feel the environment the weather. Or even the texture of my favorite weapon in Call of Duty and at the same time smell the gun power and decay around us on the battle field etc... 
     I'm sure the adult entertainment industry might be interesting in this as well? Unfortunately this wont be happening in the next 5 years, but according to IBM they have already started working on making this kind of technology possible! 

While on the IBM site I saw this poll question:
Where do you think cognitive systems' ability to understand and learn in  the way that we do-through our five senses will first appear? 

Please comment and share your answer!
Mine: Touch

Read on with the links below...
Link to gizmag that introduced me to the IBM content
Link for the official IBM 5in5 site

1 comment:

  1. Sight seems like a good answer but its already apart of our experience while using technology. Having one of the other sense's involved would really be revolutionary! Best of luck IBM!

    Any thoughts about how "cognitive system's work"


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