January 23, 2013

1st day of school, again!

CISP 301 Algorithm Design and Implementation
No Prerequisite, funny right?

Getting ready for my first class this morning, while listening to Matronomy The Bay. I realized how even though I still have 2 hours before class starts. I'm still not ready to see everyone, to walk down those halls pretending i know where i'm going...

January 19, 2013

IBM has feelings, and smell too!

IBM is Creating

 smarter planet through research... Imagine having your sense of smell, taste, feeling, sight and hearing! Involved and stimulated while on the web or phone!

Smell Taste Hear See Feel the internet, social media, television and even education!

gizmag first showed me this... IBM is planning on letting you feel cloth textures on your phone, Detect sickness by smelling your breath?  Even detect melanoma by understanding what it looks like, even be able to hear a mud slide or possible flooding. Chemically understand what we taste and how, then recreate it.

Continue to learn...  we mean read!

January 11, 2013

Live Music! make and create with others, instantly!

Love music? Ever tried making music live with other people??

Check out Plink by DinahMoe

Daniel Ruban, this is So for you buddy! Enjoy!