December 18, 2020

Best Satellite Images!

 Have you ever been in a situation when you need to get satellite images of something? Did you try Google Maps? What about other services? Well the best one i've found is

October 25, 2020

Kanye West - "Imagine 100,000 people worshiping..."

Very interesting podcast with Kanye West and Joe Rogan. I've never been a fan of Kanye, see for yourself

October 15, 2020

How is it possible for the "Presidential Debate Commission" to screw up this badly?


How did this happen? Steve Scully admits to lying about "hacked twitter account". How is it possible for the "Presidential Debate Commission" to screw up this badly?

May 19, 2020


"Thunderspy, a series of attacks that break all primary security claims for Thunderbolt 1, 2, and 3. So far, our research has found the following vulnerabilities:
  1. Inadequate firmware verification schemes
  2. Weak device authentication scheme
  3. Use of unauthenticated device metadata
  4. Downgrade attack using backwards compatibility
  5. Use of unauthenticated controller configurations
  6. SPI flash interface deficiencies
  7. No Thunderbolt security on Boot Camp"

May 11, 2020

Why can't police officers accept payment on the spot for a ticket?

Why can't police officers accept payment on the spot for a ticket? It's not a dumb question, I really want to know...

March 01, 2020

instant temporary email

Okay this is just an amazing tool I can't believe how I used to survive in this world without it check this website out get yourself a free email anonymously!

Reddit Source

February 16, 2020

Web Scraping with Python

Started a new course on

Learn how to capture data from the web by scraping websites using Python and BeautifulSoup.

Gathering data from a web page is known as web scraping, and is typically performed either by fetching web page via URL and reading the data directly online, or by reading the data from a saved HTML file. Understanding web scraping is a skill crucial to anyone interested in data science or those just looking to obtain information from web pages.

February 14, 2020

Amazon Stocks

Jeff Bezo sold about 4 Billion in Amazon stock in the last week or so.... why?

Some think it's the CoronaVirus

January 31, 2020

Who was right on AMD ?

This is an easy answer. People who used AMD product since 2008, that's who. I'm writing this on my AMD Phenom II X4 965 4 cores and 4 threads, a 45 nm chip. Code Named "Deneb" I love this CPU.

Who was right on AMD